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YADB is JRiver's on-line database of DVD, CD and track information. It operates in two ways: Disc Lookup and Track Lookup (often called individual track lookup to distinguish it from CD lookup).

Disc Lookup

CD or DVD Lookup happen automatically when an unknown disc is placed in the drive, or when the drive is right-clicked, then Update from YADB chosen. The on-line database is queried, and if there is a single match, that is used. If there are multiple matches, a dialog is displayed to allow the user to choose between them.

There is a "system" used so that entries which are more frequently selected rise in rank toward the top, and entries not chosen drop in rank toward the bottom and are eventually dropped completely.

If a disc can't be found in JRiver's database, the program will also check the freedb database.

DVD lookup also includes cover art.

CDs currently use the following fields: Title, Artist, Year, Genre.

DVDs currently use the fields:

  • Title
  • Artist (Director)
  • Year
  • Genre

CD Lookup does not work well for discs with just a few tracks. Statistics are not kept for discs with 4 or less tracks.

Track Lookup

Track Lookup can be used to identify unknown tracks, or improve the tags for a track when the original CD is not available. It can work with any encoding that can be decoded to WAV. To use Track Lookup, select a track (or multiple tracks), right click on them, and choose Update from YADB. Try a few before you do very many.

Tracks currently use the fields: Track Number, Title, Artist, Album, Year, and Genre.

How can I submit information to YADB?

There is an option if you right click on the drive. Tag the disc first, then right click and choose "Submit to YADB".

CD submission is done automatically. When you put in a CD, Media Center first looks for the track names in the CD, then in the YADB database. If there is no match in YADB, a dialog box opens asking you to insert the information. The information you type in will then be sent to YADB.

If you do not complete the information, you can still rip your CD and manually enter the fields later. To submit the information to YADB at a later time, select the tracks, right click, select Library Tools > Submit track info to YADB.

If Auto Rip is selected (Tools > Options > CD) the program will:

  • Choose the first match found in YADB
  • Show submission dialog if no matches are found.

To change these settings, go to Tools > Options > CD > Advanced Ripping Settings. Modify the options under Auto Rip CD Database lookup Options.