Media Server Path Overrides

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When running a Media Server for clients with varying configurations - especially when not everything is on Windows - direct access to the media files is not always possible due to the varying path conventions between the operating systems.

This is where this tool comes in - it'll allow you to override part of the path for every operating system according to the network location and/or mount point of the media files.

Why is this important?

Direct access to the media files can improve playback experience, especially for video. This is why it is often desirable to have access to the files directly setup.


The override paths can be setup in the Media Network settings, Advanced -> Configure media path override on clients for local access.. This setting needs to be configured on the server, and the clients will read it.

For every platform you run, you can setup a path mapping that suits your setup.


  • Media Server running on Linux, Clients on Linux and Windows
  • Media on the server is in /mnt/media
  • On Windows, you mount the same folder shared over a SMB File Share as drive G:
  • Setup a rule in Media Center
    • Platform: Windows
    • Server Path: /mnt/media/
    • Client Path: G:\

As an alternative, you could also set the client path to the network path directly, eg. \\mediaserver\share\ instead.