Video Capabilities

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J. River Media Center (MC) is very strong in video. It is a DirectShow player but uses a unique configuration system that "just works" without having to download and configure any DirectShow filters. This system is called Red October.

It can also load and use the WMP, Real, and Quicktime playback engines, so it can play anything those players can.

It supports Flash video, and we've hooked the Youtube and GoogleVideo sites so that clicking on a video at either of these sites, the player intercepts the link and offers to download, play, or add a link.

Video Capabilities

MC can add a Youtube search as a Podcast inside MC. The feed URL is in the form of "Youtube: Subject".

MC can sync video to most common portable devices. iPod, PMP's, cell phones, PSP, etc.

MC can serve videos to another PC or to UPnP and DLNA devices.

MC can convert video on-the-fly to support whatever a device will play.

J. River has deep experience and technology in the areas of SSL security, encryption, and DRM. We wrote a complete DRM that is still very current. We own an early patent in this area.

J. River has a server that can dynamically insert targeted ads in video content, using a user profile.

The podcast structure, which the player fully supports, may be valuable in delivering content and ad sets that need to be refreshed. It takes care of issues like disk space and deletion of old content. It has variables for how often to check, what to do on failure, when to stop downloading, how many simultaneous downloads to allow, etc.

On the TV side, the player supports TV cards, including HD. It can record both. It has a scheduler.

J. River has its our own video compession CODEC that is fast enough to record, serve and stream live TV at high quality in real time.

The player supports zones, so separate video streams could be played in multiple locations.

It has a ten foot mode so it can be used from across the room. It supports IR receivers and has a learning ability so it can be used with any universal remote.

The display window can be detached and moved to a second monitor (often a television).

Video Formats

Media Center supports all major video formats (both Disc and Files) and users can select the File Association under Tools --> Options --> File Types.
