Web Service Interface

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Other programs can control JRiver by using its REST based Web Service Interface. This is self documented by the server with an HTML (or WSDL) response. The documentation lists the commands available and the syntax for using them.

The web service is named MCWS (Media Center Web Service).

Running the Server

You must first start Library Server in MC. If you are running Media Server, this will still be available even after you exit MC. See our Wiki entry on Servers for more about this.

Documentation of Functions

Once the server is running, use a web browser to view the documentation. The command is:
http://[library server address]/MCWS/v1/doc

To view the documentation in WSDL format, use:
http://[library server address]/MCWS/v1/WSDL

If you're on the same computer as the server, you can use:
http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/doc (where 52199 is the port that Library Server is running on)


For more information on how to connect to the web service, use Access Keys, and manage authentication, read here:
Web Service Connection


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