WAV & AIFF Tagging

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Media Center has the ability to tag WAV & AIFF files. These tags include all metadata and cover art.

By default, this capability is disabled because, while WAV & AIFF tags are written in a standards-compliant way, not all software supports the tags.

You can enable WAV & AIFF tagging in Media Center by doing the following:

1) In the main program menu, select Tools > Plug-in Manager... 2) Then, in the tree select Input > WAVE & AIFF Plugin 3) Click 'Configure' 4) Enable the option 'Write tags to WAVE/AIFF files (may not be compatible with all players)

Tagging Format

WAV & AIFF tagging uses the ID3v2 tag format for storing their tag data. This is the same format popularized by MP3.

These tags are stored in a chunk at the end of the file. WAV & AIFF files are made up of chunks, and adding chunks is fully standards compliant.

The tag makes no changes in the audio data stored in the file, and of course, doesn't change the bit perfect output nature of the audio output.