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interface for working with a single playlist


MJFilesAutomation * GetFiles()

Description: gets the collection of files in the playlist
Return Value: MJFilesAutomation interface

boolean AddFile(string strFilename, number nLocation)

Description: adds new file to the playlist

  • strFilename: the filename of the file to add
  • nLocation: position of the file in the playlist. If position -1, the file will be added to the end of the playlist.

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

boolean RemoveFile(string strFilename)

Description: removes existing file from the playlist

  • strFilename: the filename of the file to delete

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

long GetID()

Description: returns the ID associated with a playlist
Return Value: the ID

string Get(string bstrProperty)

Description: lookup a property associated with a playlist

  • bstrProperty: the name of the property

Return Value: the value of the property for this playlist
Properties (not complete list):

  • Type: 0 = playlist, 1 = playlist group, 2 = smartlist, 3 = special (e.g. 'Current Playcharts')

void Set(string strProperty, string bstrValue)

Description: change the value of a property for this playlist

  • strProperty: the property name
  • bstrValue: The new value

boolean SaveAsRSS(string strFilename, string strURLPrefix, string strUser, string strEmail)

Description: 11.1.134 or higher, saves the playlist as an RSS (PodCast/PerbCast) file

  • strFilename: the filename of the RSS file
  • strURLPrefix: The URL prefix which will be concatenated with the keys of the playlist files to form the URL for accessing them
  • strUser: the name of the PerbCast creator
  • strEmail: the e-mail address of the PerbCast creator

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success


string Name() (read / write)

Description: the name of the playlist (i.e. "My Playlist")

string Path() (read / write)

Description: the path of the playlist, delimited by backslashes (note: does not contain the name) (i.e. "Mixes\\New Playlist Group")