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MJFileAutomation - object for dealing with a single file


MJPlaylistsAutomation * GetPlaylists()

Description: returns the collection of playlists that the given file is in
Return Value: MJPlaylistsAutomation interface (see below)

string GetImageFile(MJImageFileFlags nImageFileFlag)

Description: gets the filename of an image associated with the file

  • nImageFileFlag:
    • IMAGEFILE_DISPLAY - display image (tag or database) (uses MJ logo if file doesn't have an image)
    • IMAGEFILE_IN_DATABASE - database image
    • IMAGEFILE_IN_FILE - tag image (stored inside of file)
    • IMAGEFILE_THUMBNAIL_SMALL, IMAGEFILE_THUMBNAIL_MEDIUM, IMAGEFILE_THUMBNAIL_LARGE - small, medium, and large thumbnail images for the file
    • IMAGEFILE_DISPLAY_NO_DEFAULT - like IMAGEFILE_DISPLAY except that it won't return the logo when there is no art
    • IMAGEFILE_DISPLAY_NO_DEFAULT_STANDARD_JPEG - like IMAGEFILE_DISPLAY_NO_DEFAULT except that it always returns a standard (non-progressive) JPEG
    • IMAGEFILE_THUMBNAIL_BINARY - all three thumbnails stored in a single file. Used by Library Server.

Note: Do not delete the files returned by this function. Media Center will do any necessary cleanup. Also, subsequent calls may return the same filename (if a temp file is being used) so you must load / cache the image instead of caching the filenames. Return Value: a filename of the image file

string SetImageFile(string strImageFile, MJImageFileFlags nImageFileFlag)

Description: sets the image for the file

  • strImageFile: filename of the image
  • nImageFileFlag: IMAGEFILE_IN_DATABASE - database image, IMAGEFILE_IN_FILE - tag image (stored inside of file)

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

string GetFormattedFileSize()

Description: gets the display friendly file size
Return Value: a string representing the file size (i.e. "23.434 MB")

string GetFormattedFileDate()

Description: gets the display friendly file date / time
Return Value: a string representing the file date / time (i.e. "2/30/2002 8:01 PM")

string GetFormattedDuration()

Description: gets the display friendly duration
Return Value: a string representing the duration (i.e. "3:04")

string GetFormattedLastPlayed()

Description: gets the display friendly last played date / time
Return Value: a string representing the duration (i.e. "2/30/2002 8:01 PM")

string GetAvailableFilename()

Description: returns the filename in the format that's available to the system, so that files on a removable device get returned, for example, as "D:\1.mp3" instead of "(0xF43EA231):\1.mp3"
Return Value: a string representing the filename

string GetFilenameEx(int, int)

Return Value: a string representing the filename

boolean SaveToTag()

Description: Forces Media Center to save the file information to the tag.
Return Value: 0 - failed, 1 - success.

string Get(string strField, boolean bFormatted)

Description: generic function to get value for the specified field.

  • strField: name of the field (e.g. Artist, Album...)
  • bFormatted: determines whether the return value should be formatted.

Return Value: value of the field

boolean Set(string strField, string strValue)

Description: generic function to set value for the specified field.

  • strField: name of the field (e.g. Artist, Album...)
  • strValue: new value of the field

Return Value: 0 - failed, 1 - success.

MJFilesAutomation * GetAlbumFiles()

Description: retrieves the list of files which belong to the same album (use to expand after an album group)
Return Value: MJFilesAutomation interface

long GetKey()

Description: Gets the key of the file
Return Value: the key

boolean DeleteFile(long hwndParent)

Description: Deletes the file (with confirmation)

  • hwndParent: The handle of the parent window or null

Return Value: nonzero on success, zero on failure

boolean RotateImage(long nDegrees)

Description: If the file is a JPEG, rotate the image

  • nDegrees: How much to rotate

Return Value: TRUE

string GetFilledTemplate(string strTemplate)

Description: Evaluates an expresion for the file and returns the result

  • strTemplate: the expression

Return Value: the result

boolean SilentDeleteFile()

Description: Deletes the file (no confirmation)
Return Value: nonzero on success, zero on failure

void UpdatePlaybackStats(long nPlays)

Description: Increases the file playcount by nPlays and sets the last played time to now

  • nPlays: number of times the file was played

boolean SaveInfoToExternalFile(string strFilename)

Description: Save the database information (cover art and fields) for the file to an external file

  • strFilename: the name of the external file

Return Value: TRUE

boolean UpdateFromFile(boolean bForce, boolean bOnlyNewFields)

Description: Updates the fields from the file

  • bForce: if true, force the update, otherwise only update if the file has changed
  • bOnlyNewFields: Only change fields that are new

Return Value: TRUE only if the file was updated

void UpdateDBLocation(long nAppendDBLocations, long nRemoveDBLocations)

Description: Select which portions of the database the file appears in

  • nAppendDBLocations: Which portions to add the file to. Value is a bitwise OR of
  • nRemoveDBLocations: Which portions to remove the file from, same value as nAppendDBLocations

boolean SetNoDirty(string strField, string strValue)

Description: Change a file's field without marking it as dirty

  • strField: the field name
  • strValue: the field value

Return Value: nonzero on success, zero on failure


string Filename() (read / write)

Description: the filename (i.e. "c:\Music\Good Song.mp3")

string Artist() (read / write)

Description: the artist (i.e. "Metallica")

string Album() (read / write)

Description: the album (i.e. "ReLoad")

string Name() (read / write)

Description: the name of the track (i.e. "Unforgiven II")

number Filesize() (read / write)

Description: the filesize in bytes

number Duration() (read / write)

Description: the file duration in seconds

string Genre() (read / write)

Description: the genre (i.e. "Rock")

number Year() (read / write)

Description: the year (i.e. 1997)

string Comment() (read / write)

Description: the comment

number Bitrate() (read / write)

Description: the bitrate (i.e. 128 kbps)

number Tracknumber() (read / write)

Description: the track number (i.e. 4)

number Filedate() (read / write)

Description: the file's date (seconds past 1970)

string Custom1() (read / write)

Description: the MJ-specific "Custom1" field

string Custom2() (read / write)

Description: the MJ-specific "Custom2" field

string Custom3() (read / write)

Description: the MJ-specific "Custom3" field

number PlayCounter() (read / write)

Description: the number of times the track has been played in Media Center

number LastPlayed() (read / write)

Description: the date the file was last played in Media Center (seconds past 1970)

number Rating() (read / write)

Description: the rating (MJ-specific) (note: 0 = ?, otherwise 1-5)

string Filetype() (read / write)

Description: the extension of the file (used by MJ to choose playback plugins, etc.) (i.e. "mp3")

string Lyrics() (read / write)

Description: the lyrics

string Notes() (read / write)

Description: the notes

string AlbumArtist() (read / write)

Description: the album artist