Logitech MC Instructions

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We've prepared a demonstration build of a new Logitech Media Center.

We've set up a demo web site here: http://www.logitechmc.com


Download from the web site link above. Execute the exe to install.

Note that the download is 75MB, of which our software is about 25MB. We believe that the overall size can be cut in half at a later time.


The install package has three programs which are presently combined in a single install package. They are:

1. Squeezebox Server 2. Whitebear (provides a UPnP/DLNA adaptor for Squeezebox Server 3. The Logitech Media Center that we've prepared. It is a special version of J. River Media Center with a Logitech branded skin

Note that the current package is only for demo purposes. We expect to integrate the components, install and setup procedure into a smaller, easier package.


(Assuming you have downloaded and executed the install package as described above). LMC refers to J. River's Logitech Media Center.

1. Accept the LMC license and choose Express install.

2. During the install, the Squeeze Center server install will also be run.

3. Then the WhiteBear server install runs (if the Windows uPnP framework isn't installed, WhiteBear prompts for its installation, ok this).

4. LMC prompts for file associations, ok this.

5. When LMC runs, Windows will ask to unblock. Unblock LMC.

6. The Squeezebox Server has been installed by now, but you will need to start the Squeezebox Server manually.

7. Whitebear should start automatically. You'll see it in the Task Bar. After the Squeezebox Server has been running for a minute or two, the WhiteBear server will turn from red to white.

8. On the Squeezebox (the hardware device) itself, find and select the library from the PC where the Logitech MC package was installed.

9. Back on that PC, in the Logitech Media Center, after a minute or two the Squeezebox Radio will appear under Playing Now. It will appear as: Squeezebox radio (by Whitebear).

10. In LMC, click on Audio, right click on an album, and choose Send To->Play->Squeezebox radio (by Whitebear) or drag and drop the album there. The album will begin playing on the Squeezebox.

11. If you click on the "Squeezebox radio (by Whitebear)" entry under "Playing Now" you will see the playlist and you can control the playback.


1. This install and setup can be simplified. We apologize for the painful details.

2. It is likely that the number of components can be reduced from 3 to 1 or 2.

3. The demo website has some broken links on pages after the first one.

4. Seeking may not work.