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Revision as of 21:02, 7 October 2009 by Skeeterfood (talk | contribs) (Functions)

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interface for working with "Playing Now" (the current playlist)


number GetNumberFiles()

Description: returns the number of files in "Playing Now"
Return Value: number of files

MJFileAutomation * GetFile(number nFile)

Description: gets the MJFileAutomation interface for the given file index

  • nFile: the index of the file to retrieve (0 to GetNumberFiles() - 1)

Return Value: MJFileAutomation interface

void RemoveAllFiles()

Description: removes all of the files from "Playing Now" (stops playback)

boolean RemoveFile(number nFile)

Description: removes a specific file from "Playing Now"

  • nFile: the index of the file to retrieve (0 to GetNumberFiles() - 1)

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

boolean AddFile(string strFilename, number nPosition)

Description: adds a file to "Playing Now"

  • strFilename: the filename of the file to add
  • nPosition: the position to add the file inside "Playing Now"

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

boolean AddFileByKey(number nKey, number nPosition)

Description: Add the file to "Playing Now"

  • nKey: the key of the file to add
  • nPosition: the position to add the file inside "Playing Now"

Return value: 0 for failure, non-zero for success

boolean MoveFile(number nFileOld, number nFileNew)

Description: moves a file to a new location in "Playing Now"

  • nFileOld: the index of the file to move
  • nFileNew: the index to move the file to

Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

boolean ReShuffleFiles()

Description: shuffles "Playing Now" so it's in a random order
Return Value: 0 on failure, non-zero on success

number GetNextFile()

Description: gets the index of the "Next" file to play
Return Value: index of file (0 to GetNumberFiles() - 1)

boolean GetPreviousFile()

Description: gets the index of the "Previous" file played
Return Value: index of file (0 to GetNumberFiles() - 1)

boolean GetCanPlayNext()

Description: Determine if there is another file to play after the currently playing file
Return Value: true only if there is one


number Position() (read / write)

Description: the index of the current track

number Shuffle() (read / write)

Description: the shuffle state (0 = off, 1 = on)

number Continuous() (read / write)

Description: the continuous state (0 = off, 1 = on)