Email or Upload files to Web or FTP Server

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Email or Upload files to Web or FTP Server Email Audio Files 1. Select files.

2. Right-click and select Send To > Email / Web > Mail Recipient.

Media Center opens the default Email program and inserts the file(s) as an attachment.

Email Pictures 1. Select files.

2. Right-click and select Send To > Email / Web > Mail Recipient.

3. The Email Pictures dialog box opens. Select the size of the picture(s) you want to send. This does not affect the size of the original pictures.

Upload files to Web or FTP Server 1. Select files.

2. Right-click and select Send To > Email/Web > Web or FTP Server.

3. The FTP File Upload dialog box opens. Insert the following information:

· Remote Host: For an address in this format: type in the following:

o Address: Type in the following: Note: the forward slash at the end is required

o Path and Port: the path would be something like myname/music

o Or you can type in the address field, with just music in the path.

· Select the Port, and Enter the Login and Password.

· HTML Page. If "Generate HTML Index Document" is enabled, provide Title, subtitle and a name for the index file. Set the thumbnail size.

· If you are uploading images, select the Image Option button to modify the size of your pictures. The original pictures will not be affected.

4. Select the Upload button.