Sharing Plug-in Debugging Hints

Revision as of 16:25, 22 January 2013 by Bob (talk | contribs) (→‎Wireshark: updated for new version)
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ellicao Why does the network freeze with Library Server, TiVo Server or UPnP Server running?


Often, a network sniff with Wireshark will be helpful in tracking down problems. The sniffer software is free, and is available at This used to be Ethereal, and sniffs made with Ethereal will still work.

The usual approach (VERY IMPORTANT - It really helps to get just the interaction between the MC PC and renderer into the trace. You do this by adding a filter line with just those IP addresses in it. If you don't do this, the trace is many times more difficult to follow.) :

  1. Shutdown the remote device/computer
  2. Shutdown Media Center
  3. For version 1.6.x wireshark: Start wireshark. Then do capture->options, make sure the correct interface is selected and in the filter line put in the host IP's of the MC computer and the device you want to check like this: host and host then click on start. The filter line in 1.8.x is in a different place. Do capture->options, put a click the check box of the desired interface (almost always the ethernet device), then double click on the desired interface. Next, in the filter line put in the host IP's of the MC computer and the device you want to check like this: host and host then click on ok finally when back to the main capture option screen, click on start.
  4. Start Media Center
  5. Start the remote device/computer
  6. Reproduce the problem
  7. Stop wireshark sniffing
  8. Save the file, and make it available to J. River