TV Channels

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Deprecated: This content has been deprecated as of current versions and may no longer be valid. Please refer to Television for additional details.

Analog Video Devices

Lists all available analog TV/Video capture devices. Select the one you want to use to watch analog TV. Normally you would have already selected one when you initially started TV.

Digital TV Devices

Lists all available digital TV devices. Select the one you want to use for watching digital TV.

Make video inputs available as channels

Check this option to make video inputs (SVideo, Composite etc.) available as channels. They will be automatically included in the Channels list.

Reset TV Settings

Use this button to reset all parameters to default values.

Analog Chan

Use this button to scan or modify the list of analog TV channels. See Setup TV Channels for detail.

Digital Chan

Use this button to scan or modify the list of digital TV channels. See Setup TV Channels for detail.

Channels List

List of all TV channels. Click "Channel" header to sort the list by channel. Click "Station Name" to sort the list by station name.

Clicking a channel entry in the list temporarily tunes the tuner to that channel.

Signal Strength

(For digital TV devices only).

When a digital TV channel is selected in the Channels list, TV tuner tunes to that channel, and the signal strength meter indicates the strength of the HDTV signal.