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interface for working with Media Library View Schemes


string GetName()[edit]

Description: gets the name of the scheme item (i.e. "Classic Rock", "Artist\Album", etc.)
Return Value: a string containing the name of the scheme item

number GetNumberSchemes()[edit]

Description: gets the number of children schemes
Return Value: number of children schemes

MJSchemeAutomation * GetScheme(number nScheme)[edit]

Description: gets the specified child scheme

  • nScheme: the index of the child scheme to retrieve (0 to GetNumberSchemes() - 1)

Return Value: a MJSchemeAutomation interface for the specified child scheme

MJFilesAutomation * GetFiles()[edit]

Description: gets the collection of files in the scheme
Return Value: MJFilesAutomation interface of files

string GetSchemeName(number nScheme)[edit]

Description: gets the name of the specified child scheme (faster than GetScheme(...))

  • nScheme: the index of the child scheme to retrieve (0 to GetNumberSchemes() - 1)

Return Value: a string containing the name of the child scheme item